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  • What kinds of writers do you coach?
    I’m open to coaching novelists at any stage in their writing journey, from complete beginners to creative writing students to seasoned veterans and everything in between! If there is a novel you are determined to write and share with the world, I would be honored to coach you and assist you in making that dream a reality!
  • What genres and age categories do you coach?
    I’m open to coaching writers working in just about any genre of fiction! I’m most interested, however, in coaching novels that include speculative elements: fantasy of all kinds and subgenres, Gothic horror, dystopian, supernatural, paranormal, fairy tale and mythological retellings, and soft science fiction. I’m also interested in historical fiction, particularly (though not exclusively) works set in England around the Victorian and Edwardian periods. In addition, I enjoy novels that incorporate elements of romance, mystery, and crime. As for age categories, I’m most interested in coaching writers working on novels for adults, young adults, and older children. If you’re interested in my coaching services, but your novel’s genre or age category doesn’t fall within those listed above, please contact me and we can discuss whether or not we’ll be a good coach-and-writer match for your project!
  • Are there any genres and age categories you don't coach?
    While I’m open to coaching just about any genre of fiction, I would likely not be a good match for writers working on novels of contemporary realism, novels centered around sports, or novels with an overwhelming focus on social or political commentary. While I believe the best works of fiction share important messages with their readers about humanity and what it means to be a human, I also believe in fiction as entertainment and escapism, and I’m most interested in novels that work to balance these priorities. In addition, while I’m comfortable coaching novels that include difficult, questionable, or explicit content (e.g. violence, abuse, erotica), I am not interested in novels featuring gratuitous violence (particularly against animals), extreme gore, or acts of blasphemy. When it comes to age categories, while I’m happy to work on novels for adults, young adults, and older children, my current coaching services are not well suited to picture books or early middle grade fiction. If your novel features any of the genres, content, or age categories listed above, but you’re still interested in my coaching services and believe we might be a good fit, you’re more than welcome to contact me so we can further discuss the particulars of your project!
  • If you coach me through the writing and revision process, can you guarantee that my novel will be published?
    Unfortunately, I can’t promise that my coaching services will absolutely 100% guarantee you’ll land a fantastic agent, receive a lucrative book deal, or achieve any measure of professional and/or financial success as a writer. The truth is that publishing is a very difficult industry to break into, and I personally have no control over the actions of its agents, editors, or publishing houses. As your book coach, however, I can promise that I will provide you with thorough, productive, and honest feedback, and that I will work hard to help you make your manuscript that strongest that it can be! Agents today expect manuscripts to already be polished and complete by the time writers send out their query letters, and working with a dedicated book coach like myself is the best way to ensure your novel is ready to be seen by those in publishing.
  • What kinds of writers do you coach?
    I’m open to coaching novelists at any stage in their writing journey, from complete beginners to creative writing students to seasoned veterans and everything in between! If there is a novel you are determined to write and share with the world, I would be honored to coach you and assist you in making that dream a reality!
  • What genres and age categories do you coach?
    I’m open to coaching writers working in just about any genre of fiction! I’m most interested, however, in coaching novels that include speculative elements: fantasy of all kinds and subgenres, Gothic horror, dystopian, supernatural, paranormal, fairy tale and mythological retellings, and soft science fiction. I’m also interested in historical fiction, particularly (though not exclusively) works set in England around the Victorian and Edwardian periods. In addition, I enjoy novels that incorporate elements of romance, mystery, and crime. As for age categories, I’m most interested in coaching writers working on novels for adults, young adults, and older children. If you’re interested in my coaching services, but your novel’s genre or age category doesn’t fall within those listed above, please contact me and we can discuss whether or not we’ll be a good coach-and-writer match for your project!
  • Are there any genres and age categories you don't coach?
    While I’m open to coaching just about any genre of fiction, I would likely not be a good match for writers working on novels of contemporary realism, novels centered around sports, or novels with an overwhelming focus on social or political commentary. While I believe the best works of fiction share important messages with their readers about humanity and what it means to be a human, I also believe in fiction as entertainment and escapism, and I’m most interested in novels that work to balance these priorities. In addition, while I’m comfortable coaching novels that include difficult, questionable, or explicit content (e.g. violence, abuse, erotica), I am not interested in novels featuring gratuitous violence (particularly against animals), extreme gore, or acts of blasphemy. When it comes to age categories, while I’m happy to work on novels for adults, young adults, and older children, my current coaching services are not well suited to picture books or early middle grade fiction. If your novel features any of the genres, content, or age categories listed above, but you’re still interested in my coaching services and believe we might be a good fit, you’re more than welcome to contact me so we can further discuss the particulars of your project!
  • If you coach me through the writing and revision process, can you guarantee that my novel will be published?
    Unfortunately, I can’t promise that my coaching services will absolutely 100% guarantee you’ll land a fantastic agent, receive a lucrative book deal, or achieve any measure of professional and/or financial success as a writer. The truth is that publishing is a very difficult industry to break into, and I personally have no control over the actions of its agents, editors, or publishing houses. As your book coach, however, I can promise that I will provide you with thorough, productive, and honest feedback, and that I will work hard to help you make your manuscript that strongest that it can be! Agents today expect manuscripts to already be polished and complete by the time writers send out their query letters, and working with a dedicated book coach like myself is the best way to ensure your novel is ready to be seen by those in publishing.
  • What kinds of writers do you coach?
    I’m open to coaching novelists at any stage in their writing journey, from complete beginners to creative writing students to seasoned veterans and everything in between! If there is a novel you are determined to write and share with the world, I would be honored to coach you and assist you in making that dream a reality!
  • What genres and age categories do you coach?
    I’m open to coaching writers working in just about any genre of fiction! I’m most interested, however, in coaching novels that include speculative elements: fantasy of all kinds and subgenres, Gothic horror, dystopian, supernatural, paranormal, fairy tale and mythological retellings, and soft science fiction. I’m also interested in historical fiction, particularly (though not exclusively) works set in England around the Victorian and Edwardian periods. In addition, I enjoy novels that incorporate elements of romance, mystery, and crime. As for age categories, I’m most interested in coaching writers working on novels for adults, young adults, and older children. If you’re interested in my coaching services, but your novel’s genre or age category doesn’t fall within those listed above, please contact me and we can discuss whether or not we’ll be a good coach-and-writer match for your project!
  • Are there any genres and age categories you don't coach?
    While I’m open to coaching just about any genre of fiction, I would likely not be a good match for writers working on novels of contemporary realism, novels centered around sports, or novels with an overwhelming focus on social or political commentary. While I believe the best works of fiction share important messages with their readers about humanity and what it means to be a human, I also believe in fiction as entertainment and escapism, and I’m most interested in novels that work to balance these priorities. In addition, while I’m comfortable coaching novels that include difficult, questionable, or explicit content (e.g. violence, abuse, erotica), I am not interested in novels featuring gratuitous violence (particularly against animals), extreme gore, or acts of blasphemy. When it comes to age categories, while I’m happy to work on novels for adults, young adults, and older children, my current coaching services are not well suited to picture books or early middle grade fiction. If your novel features any of the genres, content, or age categories listed above, but you’re still interested in my coaching services and believe we might be a good fit, you’re more than welcome to contact me so we can further discuss the particulars of your project!
  • If you coach me through the writing and revision process, can you guarantee that my novel will be published?
    Unfortunately, I can’t promise that my coaching services will absolutely 100% guarantee you’ll land a fantastic agent, receive a lucrative book deal, or achieve any measure of professional and/or financial success as a writer. The truth is that publishing is a very difficult industry to break into, and I personally have no control over the actions of its agents, editors, or publishing houses. As your book coach, however, I can promise that I will provide you with thorough, productive, and honest feedback, and that I will work hard to help you make your manuscript that strongest that it can be! Agents today expect manuscripts to already be polished and complete by the time writers send out their query letters, and working with a dedicated book coach like myself is the best way to ensure your novel is ready to be seen by those in publishing.

If you have any questions that were not addressed above,

feel free to contact me through the contact form!

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