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First Draft Coaching

At some point in the novel-writing process, you come to the realization that, in order to complete the initial draft of your story, you’re going to need a little help.

There are a multitude of problems that could lead you to this moment. You might be fighting against the stubborn creative block of perfectionism, wrestling with a particular element of storytelling, or struggling to maintain your writing motivation and momentum.

Regardless of what problems have lead you to this realization, you know you’re going to need both writing support and emotional support if you’re to accomplish the momentous task of completing your first draft.

If you’re fortunate, you might already have family or friends who encourage your writing endeavors. They may not be equipped, however, to provide you with the kind of knowledge and accountability you so desperately need.

And maybe you’re a member of a writing group or workshop. You might have fellow novelists, peers, or teachers who can offer you creative empathy and general writing advice, but they aren’t likely to be as deeply invested in your particular project as you are.

Reading Glasses on Book


Or perhaps there’s no one in your life with whom you are able to share your story-in-progress or your drafting struggles, and right now you’re writing all on your own.

No matter how much or how little encouragement or advice you’re currently receiving, it may not be what you require for your particular novel-writing situation.

You deserve expert creative instruction and dedicated personal support to guide you through the writing of your novel.

If you are in the process of writing the first draft of your novel, First Draft Coaching will provide you with both the mentorship and the companionship you need in order to keep writing and complete a full manuscript draft!

Every two weeks, you will submit your most recent progress on your first draft. I’ll provide detailed developmental feedback on your work, through both a summarized letter as well as in-line comments. Then, we’ll discuss my feedback, address your current writing questions or concerns, and decide on your next writing course-of-action during a one-on-one Zoom call.

First Draft Coaching includes:

  • Two deadlines per month for submitting writing progress

    • Up to 5000 words or 20 pages* per submission

  • Detailed in-line and summarized feedback on all submitted writing

  • Two 60-minute Zoom coaching calls per month to discuss submitted writing

  • Unlimited email support

  • Recordings of all Zoom calls

Investment:  $400 per month


For writers who have completed the Novel Essentials and Story in Motion, coaching is $500 per month for the first three months.

* All pages must be submitted as a Word file (.doc or .docx) and follow standard publication guidelines:  12 pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with 1” margins.

If you’re interested in drafting your novel with the guidance of First Draft Coaching, sign up now for a free 30-minute Zoom consultation call!

This call will be a casual, no-obligations conversation, where we can discuss the current state of your novel, talk about your goals for your project, and answer any questions you might have.

If we decide we’ll be a good match as coach and writer,
you can sign up for First Draft Coaching and we’ll get started on your novel right away!

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