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After many months or years of hard work, dedication, and persistence, you’ve finally completed a full draft of your novel!

While this momentous occasion is worthy of celebration, once the thrill of your great achievement wears off, you find you’re now left with a new and daunting question: What do I do next?

Image by Daria Kraplak

Maybe you’re confident in how your manuscript has turned out. You don’t feel like you’re going to need to change much before you start sending out query letters.

Maybe you’re certain that your manuscript needs several rounds of revision before it can be deemed ready for pitching to potential
agents. You’re not sure, however, what aspects of your novel are working and what currently aren’t.


Or maybe your manuscript is finished, complete with a beginning, middle, and end, but it feels so rough that you’re certain you’ll have to rewrite it several times over before it’s worthy of any publisher’s attention.

After spending so much time immersed in the drafting of your novel, it’s hard to observe the results of your efforts with the objectivity needed to assess its current state of preparation.

And while family, friends, and fellow writers may be happy to read your draft and tell you what they think, they may not be equipped to give you and your story the kind of constructive criticism and feedback you need to revise your novel well and make it the very best it can be.

Before you begin to rewrite, revise, or send sample pages out to agents, you need an expert to evaluate your complete manuscript and help you identify what you need to do next.

Once you’ve completed a full draft of your novel, my comprehensive Manuscript Evaluation will provide you with the in-depth feedback you need to start revising and polishing your manuscript with clarity and confidence!

Over the course of four weeks, I’ll read your manuscript and delve deep into the most important elements* of your story, including character, narrative drive, worldbuilding, perspective, narration, and passage of time. After providing you with detailed written feedback, we’ll discuss the current state of your manuscript over Zoom and determine what your next course-of-action should be.

Each Manuscript Evaluation includes:

  • A full reading of your entire manuscript** by your certified book coach

  • Detailed in-line feedback throughout your manuscript

  • An in-depth editorial letter summarizing your manuscript’s strengths, suggestions for improvement, and next steps for revision

  • One 60-minute Zoom coaching call to discuss your manuscript, feedback, and next steps

  • Recording of the Zoom call

Time Commitment:  approximately four to five weeks

Investment:  $0.01 per word

* While Manuscript Evaluations may occasionally address pervasive grammatical or mechanical issues, this service is focused on big-picture developmental editing rather than line-editing and proofreading.

** All manuscripts must be submitted as a Word file (.doc or .docx) and follow standard publication guidelines:  12 pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with 1” margins.

If you're eager to receive honest, constructive feedback on your work through a Manuscript Evaluation, sign up now for a free 30-minute Zoom consultation call!

This call will be a casual, no-obligations conversation, where we can discuss the current state of your manuscript, talk about your goals for your project, and answer any questions you might have.

If we decide we’ll be a good match as coach and writer,
you can sign up for a Manuscript Evaluation and I'll get started on analyzing your novel right away!

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