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Revision Coaching

Through both the objective evaluation of a book coach and your own astute assessment, you’ve discovered what’s working and not working in the current draft of your novel. While identifying a manuscript’s problems and weaknesses is a major step towards producing the novel of your dreams, you now face an even greater challenge: how to go about solving those problems and eliminating those weaknesses through revision.

If the very thought of revising your novel fills you with anxiety, uncertainty, or dread, you are not alone. It’s not always obvious or clear how to go about the process of revision. In fact, it’s very easy to become lost in the enormity of such an undertaking: to find yourself paralyzed by the fear of changing too much of your story or not enough, or the fear of “solving” the manuscript’s problems in a way that only creates new issues, contradictions, and plot holes.

The stakes are higher now, after all; writing your first draft may force you to place your ideas down on paper, but revision is the process of solidifying those ideas into the final form you will offer up to agents, editors, publishers, and readers.

Image by Prateek Katyal


As with the writing of your first draft, you may have family, friends, fellow writers, and teachers who continue to encourage your creative efforts and offer you their support. But now that you’re revising your work, you’re likely to start receiving a wide variety of suggestions and paradoxical advice that may be more confusing and frustrating than helpful.

At this critical juncture in the writing process, you deserve dedicated guidance that both supports your particular vision for your novel and takes into consideration the desires of publishers and the reading public.

If you’ve received a Manuscript Evaluation* and are in the process of revising your novel, Revision Coaching will provide you with the guidance and support you need in order to clarify your vision, refine your story elements, and polish your narrative before pitching your manuscript to potential agents!

Every two weeks, you will submit your most recent progress on your revisions. I’ll provide detailed feedback on your work, through both a summarized letter as well as in-line comments. Then, we’ll discuss my feedback, address your current questions or concerns, and decide on your next revision course-of-action during a one-on-one Zoom call.

Revision Coaching includes:

  • Two deadlines per month for submitting revision progress

    • Up to 5000 words or 20 pages** per submission

  • Detailed in-line and summarized feedback on all submitted revisions

  • Two 60-minute Zoom coaching calls per month to discuss submitted revisions

  • Unlimited email support

  • Recordings of all Zoom calls


Investment:  $400 per month

* In order to ensure writers are fully prepared to start revising their novel, a
Manuscript Evaluation is required before beginning Revision Coaching.

** All pages must be submitted as a Word file (.doc or .docx) and follow standard publication guidelines:  12 pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with 1” margins.

If you’re interested in revising your manuscript with the guidance of Revision Coaching, sign up now for a free 30-minute Zoom consultation call!

This call will be a casual, no-obligations conversation, where we can discuss the current state of your manuscript, talk about your goals for your revision, and answer any questions you might have.

If we decide we’ll be a good match as coach and writer,
you can sign up for Revision Coaching and we’ll get started on your novel right away!

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