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Story in Motion

After weeks, months, or even years of dedicated brainstorming, research, and outlining, you’ve got your novel all planned out.

You know what your story will be about, what genre it will belong to, and who your readers will be. You’ve developed an immersive setting where the events of your novel will take place. You know who your novel is about, what your protagonist is like, and what trials and challenges they will have to overcome. And you know how the story will be structured, what events will happen, and where the plot will ultimately lead.

You have everything you need to begin writing… but the page in front of you remains stubbornly blank.

There are many reasons why you might struggle with drafting the first chapters of your novel. In spite of your diligent planning, you might not know where exactly your story should begin. Or maybe you’ve managed to draft a few scenes or chapters, but the result so far isn’t what you’d hoped and you’re starting to second guess yourself. Or perhaps you find yourself struggling to focus on the actual work, to dedicate sufficient time for writing within your busy schedule, or to keep up your motivation all on your own.

Fountain pen


Starting a new novel is an exciting experience, but that doesn’t mean it’s always an easy one. With proper guidance, motivation, and accountability, however, you can overcome your creative difficulties, start writing, and finally set your story in motion on the way to first-draft success!

If you’ve completed the Novel Essentials* and would like personal one-on-one coaching to get your novel started, Story in Motion is designed to help you accomplish just that!

Over the course of eight weeks, I will guide you through exercises designed to help you define your ideal writing environment, promote ongoing creativity, and build a sustainable writing habit and routine. Once we identify the best way to begin your story, you will draft the first chapters of your novel and submit your progress during weekly and biweekly deadlines. Written feedback and coaching sessions via Zoom will help ensure you make significant and beneficial progress through the first critical chapters of your draft.

Story in Motion includes:

  • A 30-minute introductory Zoom call

  • Two Story in Motion workbooks

    • Motivation & Accountability

    • The Opening and the Closing

  • Detailed feedback on both workbooks

  • Two 30-minute Zoom calls to address motivation and accountability

  • Three deadlines for submitting writing progress

  • Detailed in-line and summarized feedback on all submitted writing

  • Three 60-minute Zoom coaching calls to discuss submitted writing

  • Unlimited email support

  • Recordings of all Zoom calls

Time Commitment:  approximately eight weeks

Investment:  $600

* In order to ensure writers are fully prepared to start writing the first draft of their novel, completion of the
Novel Essentials is required before beginning Story in Motion.

If you’re interested in beginning to write your novel with the guidance of Story in Motion, sign up now for a free 30-minute Zoom consultation call!

This call will be a casual, no-obligations conversation, where we can discuss the current state of your novel, talk about your goals for your project, and answer any questions you might have.

If we decide we’ll be a good match as coach and writer,
you can sign up for Novel Essentials + Story in Motion and we’ll get started on your novel right away!

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